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    Was Wrestlemania 40 really the biggest of all time?

    Was Wrestlemania 40 really the biggest of all time?

    Wrestlemania 40 was supposed to be a monumental event, touted as the "biggest Wrestlemania of all time." However, as the event unfolded, it became clear that the hype surrounding it was far from reality. The absence of wrestling legends like Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, and Hulk Hogan left a noticeable void in the lineup that couldn't be filled by the current roster alone.

    One of the main draws of Wrestlemania is the appearance of iconic wrestlers and legends who have left an indelible mark on the wrestling industry. Fans were eagerly anticipating seeing their favorite legends return to the ring for one last hurrah at Wrestlemania 40, only to be left disappointed by their absence.

    Adding to the disappointment was the false promise of Sylvester Stallone's involvement in the event. Fans were led to believe that Stallone would play a role in Wrestlemania 40, only to find out that this was not the case. This further added to the feeling of letdown surrounding the event.

    Traditionally, Wrestlemania events are known for featuring legends and iconic figures from the wrestling world, making each event a memorable and star-studded affair. However, with the absence of key legends and the failure to deliver on promised appearances, Wrestlemania 40 fell short of expectations.

    In conclusion, Wrestlemania 40 was overrated and failed to live up to the hype surrounding it. The absence of wrestling legends, the false promises of celebrity involvement, and the overall lack of star power left many fans feeling underwhelmed by the event. Moving forward, it will be crucial for WWE to learn from the missteps of Wrestlemania 40 and ensure that future events deliver on the expectations of fans.

    No matter how they try to spin it and tell people it was the biggest ever and people were crying because of Cody finishing his story, it lacked the nostalgic feel that other Wrestlemania had. Nostalgia is what makes Wrestlemania special. Plus we should be paying homage to the legends who made it what it is and they were all shelved for whatever reason. If not a match why not show them in the crowd or have a cameo or run in or something? Anything would have been better than what we got. 

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