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    Does Pat Mcafee seem fake to you?

    Does Pat Mcafee seem fake to you?

    Pat McAfee comes off as really fake to me.From his over-the-top reactions to every little thing during his commentary saying it’s “the (fill in blank)   of all time”to his pointless appearance in the Royal Rumble. He is like a coked up Mike Adamlee.

     it's clear that McAfee is more interested in pushing whatever week to week angle on a show than actually adding value to the product

    My resentment towards Pat Mcafee stems back to January of this year, aside from throwing Aaron Rodgers under the bus in cowardly fashion and banning him from his show for expressing his opinions as a guest should…

    It's incredibly frustrating to see a spot in the Royal Rumble wasted on someone like McAfee, who clearly has no business being in the ring with actual wrestlers.

    His fear and reluctance to actually engage in any real action only served to highlight the fact that he was simply there for the attention and notoriety that comes with being associated with WWE.

    McAfee also comes across as the type of guy who would be the life of the party, but only because he's hopped up on cocaine and spouting off whatever he thinks people want to hear. But not having a clue what he’s talking about. 

    His lack of knowledge about WWE history and his tendency to over exaggerate and hype up every little thing make it hard to take him seriously as a commentator or a wrestling personality.

    In the end, McAfee's antics and lack of authenticity only serve to cheapen the wrestling experience for true fans. It's time for him to step back and let the real professionals take the spotlight instead of hogging it for himself.

    To me he is like Mike Adamlee? Remember him? Very little knowledge of WWE and just a stooge cramming whatever storyline down our throats with zero authenticity. And does anybody else think it seems like he’s always high on cocaine?




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